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Press release for Pensacon - "Pensacon Delivers $3.8 Million to Local Economy: Pensacon 2015 by the Numbers"

Brian Ferry March 2012

An example of one of the press releases I wrote for Pensacon as the Director of Marketing and Communications. This one followed the end of a second successful event and covered the statistics and data collected by surveyors from the event. 




Press release for Pensacon - "Pensacon Set to Make Its Return for Second Annual Pensacola Comic Con"Brian Ferry March 2012


An example of one of the press releases I wrote for Pensacon as the Director of Marketing and Communications. Its purpose was to announce the dates and other details regarding Pensacon's second annual event. 



Press release for Pensacon - "A Rousing Success: Pensacon 2014 by the NumbersBrian Ferry March 2012


An example of one of the press releases I wrote for Pensacon as the Director of Marketing and Communications. It covered the overwhelming success of the event's inagural year. 



Press release for Pensacon - "Pensacon Takes Over Downtown Pensacola Gallery Night"Brian F
erry March 2012

An example of one of the press releases I wrote for Pensacon as the Director of Marketing and Communications. 



Travel blog, "Sisters That Stray Together"


Mine and my sister's blog where we share all of our travel experiences. I designed the website, edit the content, and contribute as one of two co-authors on the blog.

Ad for Visit Pensacola featured in Gulf Coast Bride magazine

Brian Ferry March 2012


I was involved in creating the concept for this ad, and I wrote all of the copy displayed on the ad.


Visit Pensacola had been using the same ad featuring gulf coast weddings in the Pensacola Bay Area for too long, so it was time for something new. The idea was to high light all of the benefits of having your wedding in the Pensacola region and the variety the area has to offer. "Your Dream Wedding Destination" was the result.



Press Release for Visit Pensacola

Brian Ferry March 2012


I wrote a number of press releases related to tourist/travel information about the Pensacola Bay Area for Visit Pensacola, including budget itineraries, summer visitors survey findings, upcoming seasonal events in Pensacola, etc.



Press Release for the Greater Pensacola Chamber 

Brian Ferry March 2012


I wrote all press releases related to internal news from the Greater Pensacola Chamber, including new hire announcements, rebranding efforts, etc.



Greater Pensacola Chamber article published in Pensacola Magazine

​Susan Smith March 2012


Although I didn't get the byline, I was still the primary writer for this story. I also completed the majority of the research. Because I was consistently writing articles for the Greater Pensacola Chamber, I was required to understand the basics of economic development and how it related to the Pensacola region, which sometimes required extensive research.

Greater Pensacola Chamber article published in Pensacola Magazine
Carol Simons March 2012


​Although I didn't get the byline, I was still the primary writer for this story. Besides writing the article on the career expo, I also developed and executed a social media campaign on the Chamber's Facebook and Twitter pages for the event.

Talking points for CEO, Greater Pensacola Chamber interview with Gulf Coast Snowbirds
Carol Simons March 2012



I wrote a significant amount of marketing material related to the promotion of the Pensacola Bay Area, including talking points, website content, magazine articles, creative briefs, etc.

Blog posts published on Visit Pensacola's blog -
Carol Simons March 2012


While interning with Visit Pensacola, I was responsible for developing ideas for blog posts and researching and writing 2-4 posts every week.



History of Pensacola information sheet

I created - researched, wrote and designed - this information sheet about Pensacola's extensive history and background for tourists in the Pensacola Bay Area and to be distributed by Visit Pensacola. 

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